Fixing Brick Slips on Plasterboard: A Step-by-Step Guide
Introduction Putting brick slips on plasterboard can give your room a rustic look. Whether you're a professional or someone who likes to...

How do I measure for brick slips?
A guide to establishing how many brick slips you need to order, both flat standard brick slip cladding and the corner pistol brick slips

How do I fit Brick Slips?
Information and links on installing brick slips and the accessories you require to fit the cladding

Brick Slip Installation Systems
Information on the types of Brick Slip backing board installation systems that Kuci Design can supply, including size and benefits

Do you need to seal Brick Slips?
A quick guide to whether to seal your brick slips or not and the type of sealants to use

Why should I use Brick Slips?
A post of the benefits of brick slips and why you should use them

Kuci help Warner hit the right note
When Mark Russell the Director of Recording Rooms Ltd first contacted Kuci Design, both he and his client, Warner Chapel Studio's had a...

What are Brick Slips?
Information on the different types of brick slips available in the UK, the varying price range and the stunning #kucibrickslips