How do I measure for brick slips?

How do I work out my brick slip requirement?
Below is a quick guide for measuring up to establish your brick slip requirements. Brick slips sizes vary depending on suppliers, therefore it's always best to establish what you need in square metres.
If you have any questions or require further information and advice, please don't hesitate to contact us to discuss further
How Many Flat Brick Slips Do I Need?
The first thing to do is work out the size of the area you are planning to cover with your Kuci Brick Slips. So you will need to measure the following for all walls you are planning to cover.
- Height (floor or top of skirting board to ceiling)
- Width
- Multiple these together to give you the square metre volume.
Add together the square metres from all surfaces measured (if you have a single wall, obviously there is no need to do this!)
We advise that you add 5% to your total number to allow for wastage and breakages as it's better to have too many than too few....
If you have a doorway or fire in the middle of your area, then continue as per the instruction above to obtain the full measurements, then measure the height and width of the door or fire and multiple the two. This can then be removed from the full wall total
So for example
- Full wall - 2.5 metres high and 4 metres wide would equal 10 sq metres (2.5 x 4)
- Door way - 2 metres high and 0.8 metres wide would equal 1.6 sq metres (2 x 0.8)
- Remove the door way from the full wall to give you 8.4 sq metres (10 - 1.6)
- Add an extra 5% to give you 8.82 sq metres, therefore you would need to order 9 sq metres.
It's also important to use 10mm spaces between you brick slips to ensure you have enough to cover your required area.
Do I need corner slips and how do I establish how many?
Corner slips or pistol are only required if you are planning to cover an external corner. You do not need corners for internal corners, which can be covered with the flat/standard brick tiles.

The corners are 'L' shaped, to enable them to fit onto an external corner and look like a full brick and are used when transitioning around an external corner.
To measure for the corner requirements you need to measure the Linear metre, which is basically the height or width of the wall you require the edges for.
So if the wall is 2.2 metres high and the edge is the full height of the wall, then you will need to order 2.5 linear metres of corners.
Also as the corners will cover the same area as you measured for the flats, you can remove one square metre for every 4 linear metres of corners required.
Hopefully this will help your establish your requirements, but if you are stuck or confused, contact us and will be only too happy to help
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